Deep thoughts (and photos) by M. Scott Smith

Photos from early 2003 🔗

I love taking photographs, and I snapped a couple thousand in 2003. (Developing digital photos is so cheap.) A small selection from early in the year is shown below.

Skiing is a passion of mine. It combines several things I lov -- adventure, mountains, adrenalin, being outdoors, challenging myself. I took the above shot at Colorado's Vail Resort in January 2003.

Since graduating from college in 1996, I have taken several road trips out west, sometimes via circuitous routes such as through Canada. Although I always yearn to see the Rockies rising out of the plains, there's something very sentimental about the midwest. The above show was in Kansas just off I-70.

Some things I like:

  • Gazing at a dark, cloudless and moonless sky in the middle of southwest Utah. There's nothing like seeing the Milky Way with your own bare eyes.
  • Hiking to the top of a mountain.
  • Mountain biking down a mountain.
  • Camping in a (dry) tent and hearing rain pitter-patter on the roof.
  • Hearing a basketball bouncing in the distance.
  • Discussing and debating philosophy deep into the night.
  • Being creative, and creating things.

    Some things I don't care for:

  • People that are fake, ungenuine, self-centered, or unyielding in their viewpoints.
  • Melons and pears.
  • Mosquitoes and ticks.
  • Waiting in a long line, or being surrounded by lots of people.
  • Spam.
  • So few hours in a day.

    Utah is one of my favorite states, and a visit there in January finally gave me a chance to try some four-wheeling. (During my prior visits there, my old Saturn just wasn't up to the task.)

    I don't think I would ever get bored exploring the Moab region in Utah. Above, a wintertime shot of an arch at Arches National Park minutes before the sun dipped below the horizon.

    The result of rotating the camera 180 degrees and taking a picture a few minutes later.

    My Pathfinder in Utah. This is my "looks like it should be in a Pathfinder glossy sales brochure" money shot.

    Vegas, baby! Las Vegas is an interesting city to visit, and a great photography subject. The above shot was taken on the pedestrian bridge connecting the MGM Grand and New York New York casinos in January, 2003.

    Another shot from Las Vegas, offering a creative interpretation of the fountains at Bellagio. (The effect was achieved by quickly zooming the lens during the middle of a long exposure.)

    I'm not a big fan of "postcard shots," and am always looking for a unique angle. This picture was taken at West Virginia's Snowshoe Mountain Resort during a media visit in February, 2003.
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